Reality...or reality?

Reality TV annoys me-because it's so addictive yet so mind numbing. Who ever came up with the idea for a reality TV show was a genius (I expect it really started with survivor and then it took off from there) I mean once I watch the first one I want to see who wins- I couldn't start it and then not finish it. I could just watch the first and last episode-but then I wouldn't get to see the painful eliminations one at a time.

I'm particularly a sucker for America's Next Top Model...there's something about watching tall, skinny girls compete for the same thing- all while living in the same house together. It really kills me when they all start freaking out over such insignificant things like how unfair it is that someone got to hold a fake child while someone else gets to hold a real one.
Reality TV shows are the shows I love to hate. What reality TV show do you make time for?

1 comment:

Steven McNutt said...

I can foresee you as either a satirist or a political commentator.