Part 1:
Why I’m an Atheist.
Okay, so here you go. Something nice and light to start off with. Atheism is the disbelief in or the “denial” of the existence of God or gods. To begin I think I should tell you why and how I came to be an atheist.
When I was a diminutive child, I lived with my mother and father and neither of them took me to church or taught me religious stories. If they had done this, I may have thought it good to believe in something higher than oneself.
When I was around 5 years old my parents went out and left me with an imbecilic caretaker, who happened to be religious, and I received my first teaching of the bible. The babysitter, whose name I cannot remember, told me wonderful stories of Jesus, and how I should be nice to everyone, blah, blah, blah. But then an anomalous thing happened; this strange prevaricator told me about God. She told me I must pray and be faithful and all this other stuff I don’t remember.
When my mother got home, my ornery self told her that the woman who looked after me the night before had passed on to me this thing called God. Expecting some sort of reaction, I looked at her with uneasiness as she just nodded her head and kept silent. I now know she wanted me to make up my own mind about the way things are. For about two months I made myself pray, however, quickly became bored with the whole idea of believing in something therefore without knowing it becoming agnostic.
As I became older, started reading and, while in school, started learning the power of reason through maths and science, I experienced that we can be sure of things which we can measure and weigh (to name a few) and that almost everything in my world was considered sensory. Basically at this point I knew that I didn’t know anything at all.
I remember the day I rancorously found out that Santa Clause wasn’t real I began to question everything I had heard, including God. As I believed in Santa Clause for a great deal of time more then my conventional peers, the loss of St. Nick was much more devastating to me than anyone can imagine.
I thought to myself ‘If we know what Santa looks like, where he lives, the names of his reindeer, yet we know he doesn’t exist, does this mean that all the stories about God and Jesus are not true. Us humans really don’t have a way to prove them.’ thus began my path to Atheism. Although I am a “weak” Atheist and believe that things do not exist merely because they have been defined to do so, I still believe that reality is not decided by logic and if reality and logic disagree, reality wins.
I didn’t just wake up one day and had an altercating experience with all the voices in my head (which are still present) whether God existed or not, and let the loudest voice win. I indeed tried to be religious several times, from Buddhism to Catholicism, however each time I found that the religious beliefs were fundamentally incompatible with what I had observed around me. I am not an unbeliever through ignorance or denial (denial- people canonize that word when it comes to talking about atheism) I am an atheist by choice!
And yes I do find ways of coping with my problems without the use of religion; literature,music, psychotherapy and a mother who loves me and is my best friend, are just naming a few. How do I live my life and perhaps promote good things? Well, I think it’s up to oneself to make the most of their life, considering it’s the only one they’ve got, I have concluded that all beliefs should be open to question and I don’t think that just because something is popular it’s good.
Well that is about all I have to say on how I became and why I am an atheist. Stay tuned for part 2... Why Being an Atheist Rules.
And feel free to comment; haters...don't hold back.
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